To gain an understanding of your organization’s culture, needs and requirements allowing us to offer a wide range of health services that focus on prevention, accommodation, and recovery.
An independent medical examination (IME) performed by an Occupational Physician. (Also considered an independent third-party evaluation). A FTWE is requested to determine if an Employee is medically fit to safely and/or satisfactorily perform the tasks of a specific job. If required, an Independent Medical Examination can be requested by the Occupational Physician to clarify diagnosis, prognosis, treatment compliance, and specific restrictions/limitations.
An Ergonomic evaluation is an assessment of an Employee’s office or industrial workstation that is performed by a Health Practitioner to improve comfort and safety. The assessment will address the Employee’s ergonomic needs which may include: Functional abilities and limitations, symptoms, personal characteristics, identifying and assessing ergonomic hazards, or risk factors that may impact the Employee’s workstation ergonomics. Services Include:
• Industrial Ergonomic Assessment
• Office Ergonomic Assessment
• Ergonomic Training and Awareness
An evaluation of the vocational, functional, social and cultural factors of the Employee as well as their interests, aptitudes and academic achievements, taking into consideration: Transferable skills, education, work history and pre-injury earnings when identifying realistic suitable occupations the Employee could perform with little or no additional training. Additional vocational assessments Include:
• Psycho-Vocational Assessment
• Neuro-Psycho-Vocational Assessment
• Psycho-Educational Assessment
An objective assessment to measure one’s functional capabilities and tolerances, using diagnostic equipment to develop a safe, effective ‘Return to Work’ strategy through a variety of standardized tests and activities, measuring: Strength, mobility, dexterity, sensory, positional tolerance, endurance, coordination, degree of effort, and aerobic capacity.
A cognitive screening of the Employee along with their job demands in order to support the development and proposal of a ‘Job Coaching Plan’. Individualized on-site job support for Employees with cognitive challenges, ie: mild traumatic brain injury impacting one’s return to work. This support service assists the Employee’s acquisition of work-related skills, job task mastery and/or coping strategies related to job preparedness and/or performance that will assist in attaining and sustaining the skills needed with an overall goal of working independently and safely.
Individualized on-site job coaching, designed to support the identified ‘Return to Work’ goal, while integrating education pertaining to: Proper ergonomics, body mechanics, safe work practices, pacing, compensatory strategies and energy conservation.
A Post Offer Employment Test (POET) provides objective information about a prospective employee’s ability to meet and perform the physical demands of a specific occupation or group of occupations. In order for this assessment to be valid and effective a detailed description of the essential physical demands analysis (PDA) of each position being screened is required.
Implementing a program of post offer employment screening is a proactive means of assisting with claims cost containment by decreasing the incidence of injuries, damage to property, hiring and training of temporary or replacement staff, and workers compensation premiums. In addition, it objectively identifies whether or not individuals can safely meet the job demands, it increases production by ensuring new hires are physically capable of meeting all employment demands, and it reduces down time, schedule shifting and co-workers stress by placing the right individuals into the right positions.
A detailed assessment of the physical, cognitive, behavioral (or psychosocial) and environmental requirements of a job(s). Physical job demands include, but are not limited to: The evaluation of the job’s requirements related to strength, mobility, sensory, work environment, job conditions and job specifications.
The evaluation of a job’s requirements that include, but are not limited to: Mental processes of perception, problem-solving, memory, judgment and reasoning, concentration and focus, as well as multi-tasking.
The evaluation of a job’s demands that include, but are not limited to: The degree of supervision required, ability to meet deadline pressures, ability to work with others and ability to manage emotional situations.
The evaluation of a job’s demands that include, but are not limited to: Lights, noise, temperature, exposure to irritants as well as overtime.
A Cost of Future Care Analysis is a comprehensive independent report used to anticipate and project future needs. It is used to identify costs related to injuries to determine how best to manage resources to provide for the future needs of the individual and ensure that their future wellbeing is thoroughly considered. The analysis can include an extensive interview process, medical file review, functional testing and a home assessment.